Weeks sometimes just seem to fly on by. This week has been one of those weeks. Getting things ready around the house, exhausted each night after getting home but trying to just get something. . . one thing ready. Only a week left at the facility before I start my new position at DCF. Anxiety trys to creep in at times. . . . yet there is a deeper sense of feeling that this is how it was meant to be, what is meant to be.
I think over this last school year for the children and just how quickly it is coming to a close, the growth I have seen in the kids both physically and psychologically. At times I am almost blown away with gratitude for having been blessed so much with these children. They are truly amazing. I know at times I am hard on them, harder on them than what I see of so many other parents, and there are times when I cant always be there, do for them everything I would like to but somehow God has provided a way . . . and I see how much everything is working towards them becoming independent strong individuals that will carry on in a productive manner in this life.
Sort of been quiet on here, not sure why but it seems there isnt quite a need to write things down of late. . . partly I suppose because oooh I dont know just cuz thats how things go at times. I havent had much time to work on my crafts or quilts of late, not much time for much but that will change soon once the house is completely ready.
I know the thought or rather reflection awhile back of what we will loose or rather what I loose out in this whole venture has crossed my mind a time or two this week. I simply trust God in this regard and leave that in his hands. I’m okay with it as it is. Not really sure if I am even a good fit for any type of relationship beyond friendships. . . . . way to independent in so many ways, and way to leary in others. I do have moments when I feel an ache to have someone to share simple treasures of everyday life with, someone to come home to cuddle with after a long day but that isnt how my life is, how it has ever been and I have done okay I guess, I dont see the loss as a loss so much. Anyways such is life and here we go with a busy weekend So grateful for all that God has done, for all the doors he has opened . . . . . and I am grateful for the grace and mercy he died upon the cross to grant us.