Our word for the day began with tribulation – to undergo great distress, to go thru great trials. And that is how my day started. The thought had been there, the trials I know others are going thru. The trials I have undergone over this time.
I am so grateful to have stayed the course. I am so thankful that I placed my trust in God. I am grateful that I fought for that faith, for that trust in him. I do not place judgment for what I see others go thru, the trials I feel in my heart I see. They are human as I am. I make plenty of mistakes and when I dislike what I speak of in others the most in myself.
Once again I believe God has revealed unto me that it is only when I deviate from his will, from his grace that trouble occurs. When I deviate from believing and trusting in him I loose strength, I loose my focus on him. Thank you Lord for your patience with me.
There are so many words I wish to speak tonight but nay my body says rest calls me . . .. . . thank you Lord for shining your light unto my world, for the trust you gave to me, for all the things in my life.