October 17 at 1:42am
Posts: 2379
Member since 6/26/2011
got a new one here, thought this might be a fitting place to put it. . . .
Honesty is a tuff pill to swallow sometimes and most times hardest with oneself. Honesty, honesty, honestly the cynic in me knows that for most folks online dating wont ever work yes there are those exceptions, those love stories that come true but they are exceptions to the rule, they are the ones that worked at it, fought for it and as such knew it was worth it . . . . but one is as likely to find the love of their life in a bar as they are here online. I mean it can happen, folks do meet in bars and find the love of their life it doesnt happen often, it doesnt mean it will always work out but sometimes it does but that is the exception not the rule. I knew that the first day I came in here; believed that deeply inside of myself. It was one of the reasons I came on here. . . I knew it was safe from that, my heart would be safe from that. I knew it from the beginning and I know it now tho at times I just as so many others wished it differently. There is a whole industry out there trying to find the exceptions to the rule tho, this is just one of them. I not unlike many others wanted to believe differently, wanted so dearly to hold onto the hope out there that there might be someone for me . . . yet I also know the reality of it, the numbers just dont jive, how many profiles are there here? How many folks trying to find that special someone? Hundreds, thousands? One has a better shot dropping a bottle in the ocean than they do here online or in the meat market bars. Just because 1 in 10, 000 times it happened, doesnt mean it always happens. Now dont get me wrong, my favorite fairy tales as a child was Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella . . . . but I also know that I am no princess and know that there is more to the story than simply a happily ever after.
There have been a few things I learned though along the way as I made my first venture into the cyber world. Ive learned a few things during my time here. . .
1)There are a lot of folks out there that are good, decent people. Folks that are simply living their lives the best way they can.
2)There are a lot of folks out there that really dont give a hoot about other peoples feelings, find it humorous to continually degrade others. I think this has been one of the most eye opening experiences in that regard, how selfish people can be in their disregard towards others. I feel as though I lived an extremely nave and sheltered life before coming into here, and not quite sure if this is a good thing or not.
3)I discovered more now than ever that it is a persons actions that speak so much greater than their words . . . . yet if one is really quiet, and really listens often times a person will speak the words that will become their actions.
4) I learned no one, no one likes rejection but it takes on a multitude of different reactions depending on the individual rejected. There is a lot of folks out there looking for love, desperate for love, but they set themselves up for rejection over and over and it comes out in so many ways.
5)That no matter what anyone says they do care about what others say about them, they can act and say they dont but they do. There is not one person on here that I have not seen say something at one point or another that says they dont care.
6)There are real people out there, real people with real problems . . . and there are real people out there that do care and are willing to show that even if it is only with a few kind words.
7)When a person dislikes a fault and judges another by said fault. . . . it is because they do not like that fault within themselves and see that fault within themselves.
8)Some (most) folks have a need to project a better image of themselves online than what they see of themselves.
9)Some folks will not live up to the principles they project and some folks will.
10)No matter how many times a person says something, there are some folks that will never truly listen. People see what they want to see, over and over again. I am not even sure if it is truly possible to completely not perceive what is heard from ones own perspective however there are some (a few) that are better able to be objective over others.
11)Most folks will never change.
12)Apathy breads apathy, disdain breads disdain, joy breads joy, and laughter breads laughter. . . . and the only way to make sure the good outnumbers the bad is to not let go of the good. Good things are worth fighting for, and if you aint fighting for the good things then you never really valued the good stuff. People only value those things in which they are willing to fight for. . . . if the good stuff aint worth fighting for it wasnt worth having in the first place, it was really of no value to us . . . . if it was we wouldnt simply walk away from it.
true or not true?